Return To Training Protocols
Dear Knights Family,
We are pleased to announce that full contact, intra club matches and unlimited numbers (U13 upwards) can now resume at training.
The following outlines what needs to be done before, during and after training. For a more detailed version of the training roster refer to the 2020 Training section of our website. Training times and locations will also be advised by each team manager via the TeamStuff app.
These age groups can undertake training in groups of no larger than 24 people with full contact & intra-club matches. The group of 24 does not include a coach or the minimum number of support staff (x 2 max) who are reasonably required to manage the activity. Two groups of 24 can utilise the same oval provided they do not operate closely together, and the oval is split into two zones. No more than 2 training groups per oval at any one time with groups not permitted to interact.
U13’s - U16’s
These age groups can now introduce full contact, intra club matches and unlimited numbers however where reasonably possible we would suggest a limit of or around 40 players at a time on the field at any one time.
The training roster will remain unchanged for now with the expectation that it will be reviewed and revised following the June / July school holidays. For the age groups with no restrictions on numbers please utilise the playing fields allocated to you that best optimises your training sessions.
Contact is now permitted ie. tackling, bumping, contested marking etc. to U8’s - U16’s.
Social distancing at all age levels still needs to be maintained at a distance of 1.5m when not participating in training drills.
There will not be access to changerooms. The public toilets at Dunlop Pavilion and Basil Oval will be opened at the start of training and closed immediately afterward. Hand sanitizer and hand soap will be available in the toilet area.
We are only allowed to train with footballs and use field marking cones.
All players, coaches, volunteers and parents must read the AFL Victoria Return to Outdoor Group Training Protocols (
Confirm your child’s attendance at their allocated training time/zone via TeamStuff by 5pm 2 days prior to the allocated training day (ie. 5pm Monday for Wednesday training, 5pm Wednesday for Friday training or 5pm Friday for Sunday training). It is a requirement of the Health Department that we keep record of all participants in case contact tracing needs to be carried out if someone gets COVID-19.
For teams not using Team Stuff, players are to ensure their name is noted as a training participant with TM, Coach or AGC please.
It is a requirement of the Health Department that we keep record of all participants in case contact tracing needs to be carried out if someone gets COVID-19.
Please make sure you have downloaded the COVIDSafe App to help with tracing the spread of COVID-19.
Register your attendance using TeamStuff by 5pm 2 days prior to your allocated training day. Please note there will be designated drop off and pick up zones, if parents / caregivers wish to remain they must stay in their car.
Before Training:
● Arrive in full football gear – no access to change rooms or clubrooms.
● Must bring your own water bottle and mouthguard, clearly labelled and kept separate. There is to be no sharing of water bottles, food or towels.
● Arrival procedures as per attached plan.
● After entering your allocated training zone use hand sanitizer and confirm your attendance to your coach.
During Training:
● Coaches and players must sanitise hands before training, during and at the completion of training
● Must observe good hygiene – no spitting or clearing nasal passages.
● If pair work is required, pair with the same partner each week maintaining 1.5m.
● Must maintain a social distance of 1.5m from each other – no high 5’s, handshakes or other physical contact when not participating in drills.
● Remain in your designated group, not mix with any other group or not swap between groups.
● Must not access the clubrooms, except the public toilets.
● Must only use the footballs provided. Do not bring personal footballs to training.
● Must avoid gatherings before and after group training.
● Must strictly adhere to good hygiene practises.
● Must use hand sanitizer before, during and after group training.
● Do not use public water fountains.
● Mouthguards must be worn. Players cannot participate in training without a mouthguard. Coaches are asked to ensure all players have a mouthguard, no exceptions. 2 younger boys received lacerations to the face and mouth last week as a result of accidental knocks from footballs.
After Training:
● You must exit the oval immediately after your training session and proceed to the designated pick-up zone per the attached plan.
● If bibs are used during a training session they must be washed prior to the next session, perhaps a roster could be used for a parent to wash each week instead of the coach.
All Age Group Coordinators, Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Team Managers must undertake the free Department of Health’s COVID-19 Infection Control Training and upload the certificates of completion to Everproof.
All volunteers including Age Group Coordinators, Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Team Managers and Parent / Caregivers must have a current WWCC uploaded to Everproof.
Before training, you must ensure that the footballs have been wiped down with hand sanitizer and paper towel on the oval in your designated zone.
During training you must wear a coach or assistant coach bib, emphasize the importance of good hygiene practices, ensure no cross over of groups and use acceptable skills and drills with no contact.
After training, ensure the footballs are wiped down with hand sanitizer and paper towel on the oval in the zone.
Age Group Coordinators will become the COVID-19 Safety Officer for each respective age group.
Sickness Policy
If a child or anyone in your household displays symptoms of COVID-19 please seek medical advice prior to attending training.
If a child is deemed unwell at training by the coach or designated volunteer, the child will be isolated from the training group and parent / caregiver will be called to arrange collection.